Why not give your guest a chance to take something away with them, to remind them of what such a great time they have had at your well planned event, Harry Jones Company can supply you with Games & Side stalls to suit all ages.
We all love a bit of competition when it comes to familys and friends so here is your chance to show of your skills and see who can win the biggest prize.

Hook A Duck
Probably the most famous Fun Fair game around.
We all love the yellow ducky, its just catching it first, with the hook a duck we give you a long pole and you have to aim steadily to catch one of the floating ducks to win any prize displayed on the stall.
Coconut Shy
Knock over the cans to win: also known as the coconut shy.
For the ones who like a challenge, this is the perfect stall to get the atmosphere going, have the coconut shy at your event and you will soon see the determination all the faces of your guest as they take aim to try and knock over the coconuts using 5 wooden balls, in search for there prize.
We also offer: Shooting Galleries, Football Games, Basketball, Ball in the Loop, Derby Racer and much more!
If you like the challenge when it come to gaming, then contact us today to see how we can put some extra fun into your event.